November 10, 2011

As for blankness

I'm kind of exhausted, which is odd because I'm not that stressed and I'm not that tired. I can't even feel the refreshed start-of-a-weekend feeling (no school tomorrow). I'm just kind of keyed up. I need to relax. I need to lay down in a dark space and listen to Bon Iver and the like for an extended period of time....

This morning school started at 10, so I got up early and made maple oat scones, which was enjoyable. I packaged up two of them in parchment paper bound with cooking string for a teacher I needed to thank for writing a recommendation for me - it was very classy/American/rustic. Here are some of the goods!

I was fantasizing today about taking French in college - I'm currently in the highest level of French in my school, and I can function, but I want to eventually become conversationally fluent and study abroad in France. Now this isn't to say that I want to major in French or go into translation studies; I just love the culture and I love foreign travel. 

Hm, well. I'm ready to be accepted by a college now. Unfortunately, reality is not cooperating. Domage.

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