January 18, 2012


I am in a perpetual state of tension. Hung in the balance. Stuck in a cliffhanger. I know that everyone is waiting with me, but it's two and a half months until I find out about college. That is long. Really long. And then I remember as this summer started, I thought to myself, "In less than a year, I'll know where I'll be going." At the time, woah! But now....two months is forever. And I'm so bored. I can't wait until third trimester, which I am officially dubbing my Social Studies Senior Spring. Catchy, I know. With Psych, International Relations, Women in Lit, and Women and Art in Early Modern Europe (guess which one is a college course....I know it's really hard), I am going to be like a pig in shit. A really busy pig in shit. But at least busy with subjects I am excited about. For now, I just can't keep thinking that it's January. My sophomoric January was a pretty defining one, and since then I've just always used this month as a benchmark of my mental state of affairs. And this benchmark yields a result of: boredom/impatience. Again, exciting, I know.

Get me out of here?

Eh. With everything in the can I don't know what to do with myself. Every day is like a giant joke.

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